Flicks and Reruns: The Mistress

The narrative treatment of The Mistress was convoluted enough to take away much of the emotional impact from the film. The premise was promising, a mistress finds herself slowly being torn between  logical pragmatism and the honest yearning of her heart.

Sari (Bea Alonzo) is a seamstress who is involved in an illicit affair with Rico (Ronaldo Valdez) a CEO of a large conglomerate. Their regular Thursday trysts provides much contentment to Sari until she meets JD (John Lloyd Cruz), the film later reveals  JD as the son of Rico who largely sympathizes with his mother (Hilda Koronel) who is greatly affected by her husband's infidelity.

The movie comes out strong in the first half, as it tried to focus on the illicit affair which would have been interesting if it was elaborated, but alas the movie detours and  degenerated into a predictable kilig movie and by the second half of the film The Mistress loses much of its steam.

The screen chemistry between JLC and Bea Alonzo still radiates in the screen though these are much tempered as compared to their younger fringe teenybopper/ young adults roles in the past. Bea Alonzo for one has morphed as a really beautiful actress now minus the baby fats (remember Close To You?) She asserts herself over her role with a much nuanced performance.

Ronaldo Valdez acting still mesmerizes particularly in the first half unfortunate that the movie's second half went predictable. John Lloyd Cruz could well transition himself as the next Aga Mulach while Hilda Koronel acquits herself well after a long hiatus from making movies.


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