Exploring Teriyaki Boy
Finally, I got a seat inside Teriyaki Boy. I longed to try TB when it opened last May along with the new Abreeza mall. However throngs of curious mallgoers had crowded out TB thus I had no recourse but to just bide my time until i can return to Abreeza which I don't normally frequent because of the distance from my house and workplace.
One fine Saturday in July together with members of the Davao Bloggers group I finally was able to try out some of Teriyaki Boy's offerings mostly of the Sushi kind.
Teriyaki Boy is the current market leader in the Japanese casual dining category. It serves no-frills, delicious, top quality Japanese food with a dash of western influences.
Philly Cheese Steak Roll
At Abreeza's TB branch we were met by their manager Nikki Gotianse Tan, who also writes for a local newspaper. Nikki along with the friendly TB crew gave us some samples of Teriyaki Boy's popular specialties.
Tofu Steak
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